A Beautiful Body Starts With a Sexy Butt

"I want to stop dressing like a frumpy old lady just to cover up my horrible butt! I want my butt to be perky, firm, tight and sexy - is that too much to ask?"

Those are the exact words of Sandra Corsten (age = 58 y.o.), as written on her 'Primary Goals' form during her initial personal training assessment and start-up interview with me back in January of 2000. Sandra reached her main goal of fixing her flabby, droopy and un-sexy butt by the third week of February of that same year... just 3 and a half weeks later - and most importantly, she successfully maintains it to this day...

Sandra's experience along with that of many other women in the same frustrating situation - are what motivated me to write this article today.

I recently had the privilege of selling my womens' personal training center, in St Johns, Florida, to work full time from the comfort of my own home, as a fitness/fat-loss writer, consultant and consumer advocate for women - a lifelong dream of mine...

While cleaning out all the folders and files of the female clients I've worked with over the past 16 years - I made an amazing discovery that's going help you in ways you could only imagine until now...

I started going through stacks of the initial fitness assessments from female clients I've trained, since 1992 - when I first started my personal training company.


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