Sexy Body Diet

Let’s not kid ourselves ladies, whether you believe it or not- the rules of today are this. As women, we will always be judged on how sexy you ARE or AREN’T. Whether you are silently suffering in your own body, your relationships or in your life, or celebrating your sexy factor to the utmost, every woman has a sexy component that can be continuously nurtured, developed and loved.

We as women are naturally sensual creatures by design and it is now up to us to either NEGLECT it or NURTURE our sexy, sensual side.

The Beauty of It is… The Choice is Yours!


Here is a List of Signs you are
& Need The Sexy Body Diet

* Check out the Sexy Body Diet in Fitness RX Magazine March 2009 Issue!You chomp on ice
* You overeat
* You sometimes feel neurotic & possessed or that someone else is in control of your life
* You are ADDICTED to sweets
* You can’t get enough carbs
* You are easy to snap
* You are on the edge
* You are easily pissed off
* You smoke
* You drink too much
* You bite your pen
* Little things tick you off
* You get jealous easily
* You are envious of your SEXIER girlfriend who is getting all the attention
* You cant concentrate at work
* You have other obsessive compulsive disorders
* You are spend-aholic
* You cant remember the last time you were turned on
* You spend too much money
* You buy things you don’t need
* You power shop for things that are non-essential
* You spontaneously spend money you don’t even have!
* You have too many purses and shoes
* You are never satisfied
* You are comfortably miserable
* You cant remember the last time you had an orgasm
* You are not happy
* Moments of joy are very infrequent
* You forgot your passions in life
* You oversleep & sleep too much
* You are withdrawn
* Its hard for you to connect with others
* You listen to your negative inner voice and allow it to dominate you!
* You shun attention from the opposite sex
* You purposely avoid attention by hiding yourself through poor clothing, hair and make-up choices

Introducing “The Sexy Body Diet

* Learn how to flirt to get what you want!
* Learn how to become more alluring to the opposite sex
* Use the Art of Seduction to your advantage in all areas of life
* Reconnect with your lost sensuality
* Rekindle passion in your relationships
* Learn that “Sexual Self Exploration” is actually healthy for you
* Recognize if he is Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now
* Enjoy easy to do at home exercises that help you put the swing back in your sway
* Use sensual foods to boost your mood, increase your libido and playfully seduce with!
* Learn how to get the man that you want- not just the ones that cross your path


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