Healthy Eating For Kids

"How To Make Quick, Easy To Prepare Healthy Recipes That Your Kids Will Love To Eat" These delicious, child-tested recipes are healthy yet quick to prepare, specially designed for today's hectic lifestyle.

Barbara Schaffer despaired of ever teaching her daughter Jennifer to eat healthily. Jennifer insisted she hated vegetables and fussed about any meals that did not feature her favorite foods, which included calorie bombs like french fries, hot dogs, hamburgers, and fish sticks. Jennifer's weight was rising steadily, and she was oftentimes tired and dragging by the end of the school day.

Barbara had tried everything from pleading to insisting that Jennifer stay at the table until the last soggy carrot was eaten, to no avail until she bought a copy of "Healthy Eating for Kids." It was with some trepidation that Barbara packed the first recipe she tried a Gobble Gobble Sandwich into Jennifer's school lunch. What if she didn't like it? What if she wouldn't eat it and went hungry the whole day? But to Barbara's great relief, the first thing that Jennifer said when she walked in the door after school was, "Mommy, lunch today was great!"

Soon, Jennifer was actively involved in picking out her own healthy meals, and even learning to cook the simple, kid-friendly recipes herself. Meanwhile, she found herself feeling more energetic, more cheerful, and doing better in school, thanks to her nutrient packed diet. Healthy Eating For Kids

Advice for Men - From A Woman With Plenty Of Experience!

From A Woman Who Knows What Women Really Want- Some Women Dont Even Think About This!

“What Does This Sexy Woman Know About Attracting Women That Few Men Will Ever Discover, And Why is She Willing To Reveal These Forbidden Attraction Secrets for FREE, Right Now?" Click Here!

The Hair Growth Bible

Professional Hairstylist across the world have begged me not to release this, in fear that they will loose clientele in RECORD Numbers!

Discover time tested, and proven step-by-step techniques that will explode your hair growth and help you establish a beautiful head of hair!

Dear Friend,

I'm ticked off! Why? Because I know that collectively you all have spent well over $1.7 billion on hair care products, just last year ALONE and despite this, you are STILL fighting a loosing battle, to issues like; dry hair, frizz, hair breakage, itchy scalp, slow hair growth and shedding!

What if I told you that you have been made a fool of?

Learn How To Reach Your Hair's Full Growth Potential. Get Beautiful, Sexy Hair, Much Faster Than You Ever Imagined! Click Here!

Combat The Fat Plus Advanced Bodybuilding

If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life, you can't beat the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. Military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! Here are just a few weight loss tips to burn fat fast. Click Here!

Cellulite Free Forever

"This Super-Fun Cellulite Treatment Program Is Like Liposuction Without Surgery... Find Out Exactly How To Transform Your Lumpy Flab Into
"Stop-and-Stare" Gorgeous In Record Time

Dear Cellulite Sufferer,

My name is Nicole Rousseau, and I want to tell you about how I cracked the code on a problem that most doctors and health experts consider unsolvable: cellulite.

In case you're wondering, yep, that's my backside in the untouched photos to the right, before and after following the exact system I will tell you about in just a moment.

This system is so effective, it not only assassinates cellulite, but super-charges your metabolism so that extra pounds just melt away! (The reason it works so well is that I spent two years discovering the surprising answers to the questions "what is cellulite?" and "do any cellulite cures out there actually work?" More on that later.)

This system is the exact blueprint I followed to eliminate my stubborn cellulite, transform my flabby body into trim, firm, bikini-ready shape… and drop 2 pants sizes in the process.

The best part? It’s all natural, inexpensive, and outrageously easy to do. I did it all in just 12 weeks without dieting… without depriving myself or ever feeling hungry… and without painful, strenuous exercise!

But before I tell you how I did it, I want to give you a “sneak peek” into the secrets waiting for you in this special e-book…

How to get your most gorgeous, stop-and-stare body in record time

How to eat your way to cellulite-free belly, hips, and thighs

How to easily incorporate the world’s most potent all-natural fat burners into your daily routine to melt away fat and cellulite like magic

How to detoxify your system safely and easily … it will not only flush away stubborn cellulite deposits, but will transform your skin from dry and dull to fresh, vibrant, and glowing

How to continuously replenish your energy stores for a steady flood of boundless energy

And that’s just a small taste of what’s in store for you. My e-book, Cellulite Free Forever, is the result of more than 1,460 hours of research and $12,000 in personal testing.

My research involved clinical trials and scientifically sound medical information, not the hype the cosmetic industry throws around.

Not only did I scour volumes of research and information from the top nutrition experts and dermatology labs in the U.S., but I researched the specific health and beauty regimens of gorgeous, cellulite-free women around the world… and I have compiled those jealously guarded secrets into a click here

"Hi Nicole,

I can't stop looking at myself in the mirror! I am 43 and have had cellulite for at least 20 years but I am now on week 12 of the plan and my cellulite is almost gone. My thighs look better than ever. And you know what, it was the best thing I have ever done for myself, and it was the easiest thing I have ever done too. I never knew I could feel this energetic and confident, thank you!"

Lacy R.
Asheville, NC

Thin Thighs Program

Dear Friend

Victoria Johnson
Star of 24 Dance/Fitness DVD/Videos Published Author, Professional Trainer, Television Fitness Celebrity and Motivational Life Coach

You are about to discover how you can scuplt a pair of sexy thin thighs that you have always dreamed about having. That's right...Thin Thighs Program can make it happen for you even if you have felt it was totally impossible before! Since 1994, I have helped ten's of thousands of people from all over the world lose fat, increase their energy and sculpt their bodies into their dream shape. My work has helped Models, Actresses and Every Day Women achieve that incredible shapely lower body that women and MEN dream about.

My Thin Thighs Program reveals the secret exercises and techniques that I have personally uncovered after training thousands of individuals just like you and watching them transform their bodies and their lives! The camera doesn't lie, and my clients know that they have to do what works to avoid being embarrased when their photos hit the magazines!

My name is Victoria Johnson and I have personally trained, body fat tested and performed nutrition and fitness analysis and programming on over ten thousand people. Now, using the information that I learned, I have put together for you the body transformation formula that I know will work for you just as it has for thousands before you.

This just might be the single most powerful life changing thing that you ever do for yourself! You will completely change the shape and appearance of your lower body, and increase your self esteem and confidence to wear that short mini dress, those skinny jeans or that skimpy cocktail dress to your next part!

If you are ready to permanently re-scuplt your lower body, release that stubborn body fat, and smooth out those unsightly cellulite dimples, without drugs, without supplements and without starving yourself, then this may be the most important web page that you will ever read. I guarantee that if you take the time to read this entire page, your life and your body will never be the same!

A Beautiful Body Starts With a Sexy Butt

"I want to stop dressing like a frumpy old lady just to cover up my horrible butt! I want my butt to be perky, firm, tight and sexy - is that too much to ask?"

Those are the exact words of Sandra Corsten (age = 58 y.o.), as written on her 'Primary Goals' form during her initial personal training assessment and start-up interview with me back in January of 2000. Sandra reached her main goal of fixing her flabby, droopy and un-sexy butt by the third week of February of that same year... just 3 and a half weeks later - and most importantly, she successfully maintains it to this day...

Sandra's experience along with that of many other women in the same frustrating situation - are what motivated me to write this article today.

I recently had the privilege of selling my womens' personal training center, in St Johns, Florida, to work full time from the comfort of my own home, as a fitness/fat-loss writer, consultant and consumer advocate for women - a lifelong dream of mine...

While cleaning out all the folders and files of the female clients I've worked with over the past 16 years - I made an amazing discovery that's going help you in ways you could only imagine until now...

I started going through stacks of the initial fitness assessments from female clients I've trained, since 1992 - when I first started my personal training company.

Sexy Body Diet

Let’s not kid ourselves ladies, whether you believe it or not- the rules of today are this. As women, we will always be judged on how sexy you ARE or AREN’T. Whether you are silently suffering in your own body, your relationships or in your life, or celebrating your sexy factor to the utmost, every woman has a sexy component that can be continuously nurtured, developed and loved.

We as women are naturally sensual creatures by design and it is now up to us to either NEGLECT it or NURTURE our sexy, sensual side.

The Beauty of It is… The Choice is Yours!


Here is a List of Signs you are
& Need The Sexy Body Diet

* Check out the Sexy Body Diet in Fitness RX Magazine March 2009 Issue!You chomp on ice
* You overeat
* You sometimes feel neurotic & possessed or that someone else is in control of your life
* You are ADDICTED to sweets
* You can’t get enough carbs
* You are easy to snap
* You are on the edge
* You are easily pissed off
* You smoke
* You drink too much
* You bite your pen
* Little things tick you off
* You get jealous easily
* You are envious of your SEXIER girlfriend who is getting all the attention
* You cant concentrate at work
* You have other obsessive compulsive disorders
* You are spend-aholic
* You cant remember the last time you were turned on
* You spend too much money
* You buy things you don’t need
* You power shop for things that are non-essential
* You spontaneously spend money you don’t even have!
* You have too many purses and shoes
* You are never satisfied
* You are comfortably miserable
* You cant remember the last time you had an orgasm
* You are not happy
* Moments of joy are very infrequent
* You forgot your passions in life
* You oversleep & sleep too much
* You are withdrawn
* Its hard for you to connect with others
* You listen to your negative inner voice and allow it to dominate you!
* You shun attention from the opposite sex
* You purposely avoid attention by hiding yourself through poor clothing, hair and make-up choices

Introducing “The Sexy Body Diet

* Learn how to flirt to get what you want!
* Learn how to become more alluring to the opposite sex
* Use the Art of Seduction to your advantage in all areas of life
* Reconnect with your lost sensuality
* Rekindle passion in your relationships
* Learn that “Sexual Self Exploration” is actually healthy for you
* Recognize if he is Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now
* Enjoy easy to do at home exercises that help you put the swing back in your sway
* Use sensual foods to boost your mood, increase your libido and playfully seduce with!
* Learn how to get the man that you want- not just the ones that cross your path

Get Sexy Woman

Have you ever been walking down the street or through the mall and you see a regular, ordinary guy hanging out with an unbelivably sexy woman? And you can tell she is completely into him, ready to do whatever he wants?
Did you wonder, "How in the heck did he get her?"
Well, it's simple -- he knows something you don't know...

Here's the truth:
* He's not smarter than you.
* He's not richer than you.
* He doesn't have a bigger penis than you.
* He doesn't drive a nicer car than you.
* He doesn't have a better job than you.